Maui is a super special place to our family. We went there in 2004 on our honeymoon. And then we were fortunate to go again with our family for my sister’s wedding in 2013.
(according to my math, we are due to go back in 2022…if anyone wants to fund our trip we would be open to that…😂)
This trip with the kids, we stopped by the Papawai Scenic Outlook and were reading about some of the marine life and we happened to see a sea turtle out swimming in the bay, which was pretty awesome!

Whether snorkeling, whale watching or taking one of the many excursions to see their habitats up close – there is something for everyone in the family.
Recently we were thrilled to connect with the Pacific Whale Foundation from Maui, Hawaii and hear about everything they are doing to protect and conserve our amazing whale friends in the world.
Participate in the Pacific Whale Foundation’s Educational Programs
We attended a live virtual event where we listened to the heart behind the PWF and learned all about their amazing educational programs and current initiatives.
We even had a short mini lesson with Robyn and Becca from the PWF Education team where we learned more about whales and their migratory patterns which was super interesting!

Book a Tour through PacWhale Eco-Adventures
They also offer a variety of tours through PacWhale Eco-Adventures – snorkel trips, dinner cruises, stargazing excursions, dolphin watch tours and of course, whale watch tours!
(Yes, please! Sign me up for all of those!)
But the coolest part is that all profits support Pacific Whale Foundation’s research, education and conservation programs to save whales, dolphins and our oceans. That’s pretty amazing, if you ask me.

So if you are planning to go to Maui, be sure to check them out! We are so glad to connect with them and definitely plan to support them in any way we can!
Check out their website at https://www.pacificwhale.org/ to learn more about their Eco-Adventures and other ways you can help support them.
Shop the Ocean Store
One easy way to support them is through purchasing items through their Ocean Store! All profits support the Pacific Whale Foundation. From t-shirts, hats, bracelets, reusable bags and so much more – there is something for all the whale lovers in your family.

“100% of the profits from your purchase support Pacific Whale Foundation’s mission to protect the ocean through science and advocacy, and to inspire environmental stewardship.” – Pacific Whale Foundation
About Pacific Whale Foundation
“Founded in 1980 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to saving the world’s whales from extinction, Pacific Whale Foundation (PWF) conducts Research, Education and Conservation programs. With a mission to protect the ocean through science and advocacy and to inspire environmental stewardship, PWF now reaches more than 400,000 individuals each year through its Maui and Australia offices and research projects in Ecuador and Chile.”
About PacWhale Eco-Adventures
“PacWhale Eco-Adventures is an ecotour company headquartered on Maui that offers market driven products and services to advance its mission of protecting the ocean through science and advocacy and inspiring environmental stewardship.”
“As a social enterprise owned 100% by 501(c)(3) nonprofit Pacific Whale Foundation, PacWhale Eco-Adventures serves more than 300,000 individuals per year through its Ocean Stores and top-rated, responsible ocean ecotours, including snorkel trips, sunset dinner and cocktail cruises, stargazing excursions, and Maui’s original and most award-winning whale watch.”
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